
Global Congress

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  • Posted in: Research

    Come present and learn at the 4th biennial International Colloquium for Hyperemesis Gravidarum Nov 6th/7th 2024. This will be the first time this conference is in the US. Join us for two days of engaging with top international scientists and clinicians ...

  • Posted in: Coding

    Hello, Our practices' MFM provider is starting 4D abdominal ultrasounds. Is there a CPT code to report these services? I have only been able to find guidance that directs to use 76376, 76377 or 76499. Would either of these be appropriate? And does ...

  • Posted in: Coding

    Thank you so much! Was there any response given as of today? ------------------------------ Monica Dowdell ------------------------------



    On Monday, March 25 at approximately 12:00 PM EST, SMFM Communities will no longer be connected to the SMFM website via single sign-on. Members should continue using the same email address they use to login to the SMFM website but will be required to reset your password to access the communities. If ... more

Upcoming Events

  • 2024 SMFM Global Congress


    Sep 25 - 28, (IT)
    The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine is thrilled to announce it will host its first global congress 25 – 28 September 2024 in Rome, Italy, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The congress is centered on clinical best practices and the latest research across the globe, with a specific focus on the maternal aspect of maternal-fetal medicine. The SMFM Global Congress will offer a diverse range of activities such as pre-congress courses, invited lecturers, poster presentations, networking and exhibiting opportunities, and industry learning sessions.
    Rome, Italy

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