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ICD-10 codes for History of genital HSV without outbreak in current pregnancy and History of chlamydia in pregnancy

  • 1.  ICD-10 codes for History of genital HSV without outbreak in current pregnancy and History of chlamydia in pregnancy

    Posted 03-17-2021 13:22
    What are the appropriate ICD-10 codes for History of genital HSV without outbreak in current pregnancy?  Would you use O98.31x Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, xxx trimester + A60.00 Herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecifiedO99.830  Other infection carrier state complicating pregnancy +  Z22.4  Carrier of infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission - because there isn't an active outbreak?  Something else?

    What are the appropriate ICD-10 codes for History of chlamydia in pregnancy?  O98.81x Other maternal infectious & parasitic disease complicating pregnancy, xxx trimester + Z86.19  Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases?

    Erin Kornovich

  • 2.  RE: ICD-10 codes for History of genital HSV without outbreak in current pregnancy and History of chlamydia in pregnancy

    Posted 03-18-2021 16:18
    Hi Erin,

    There may be a couple of way to code for these. I suggest:

    - Both conditions would be billed as Z86.19 (Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases).
    - If infection in pregnancy: add O98.31T (Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy). Also add A60 series if genital herpes or A56 series if chlamydia.
    - The O99.83 series & Z22.4 refer to a carrier state, meaning if a culture is made, it will be positive. I would not use these codes for past history.


    Fadi Bsat, MD
    Past Chair, SMFM Coding Committee